Angry Neko?
There a site that parses the text on your blog to make an estimate of who you are and the style you write in. It’s called URL AI. Well it got right off that I’m a guy between 26 & 35 (I’m 33), but it said that my writing style is angry and personal. I…
Windows 8 Logo
So the new Windows logo has been announced and been done by Pentragram, and naturally there is a really mixed reaction to it. It’s really plain, monochromatic, and generally not Windows feeling. I get what they were going for but I personally feel the new design needs the splash of color like every logo from…
Fonts I’ve been Working On For WAY Too Long
ODN Bacterion Alpha One of the first fonts I started working on. It was inspired by the bitmap font used in Gradius III. ODN Bacterion Beta Similar to Bacterion Alpha ODN, this is also a Gradius font. This one comes from the PlayStation 2 version Gradius IV, which used a smooth version of the…
One of These Days…
I will actually finish a freaking font! I have actually 13 that I am actively working on, but none of them are to a point of being “done”. Paisano was previewed a while back, but I haven’t really shown much more than that. So I’m going to be adding pages for the fonts on here…
Time For More Firefox Bitching
I’ve narrowed down all the memory and crash problems I’ve been having to one single thing; plugin-container.exe. I changed the config to make Firefox NOT use it and so far I’ve seen a great improvement in performance & stability. There is one major downside to doing this… If for any reason Flash decides to crap…
So More Firefox Postings…
Okay it’s time for me to talk about Firefox again, but this time with less bitching. I’m using version 6 now and I do have to say it’s been a lot more stable and quicker than Firefox 4 & 5. However, this does NOT mean I don’t have something to bitch about. It seems there…
It’s Like Firefox But…
Alright Firefox, you win. You bloated fat sack of shit, I give in and am crawling back to you. Here’s why. Mainly PLUGINS. Chrome’s plugins suffer severely from the “It’s like the Firefox plugin but…” syndrome. Most of them seemed to be severely impaired versions of their Firefox counterparts. For example AdBlock Plus. In Firefox…
Goodbye Firefox
At one time before Firefox was out, I was staunchly opposed to switching from my beloved IE6 to the Mozilla browser. It wasn’t until Firefox 2 (and some nudging by SkullDaisyGimp) came out that I decided to make the switch, and at the time I was happy with Firefox and its plugins. Then Firefox 3…
I’m Back!
Finally after breaking my kneecap, multiple remodeling delays, family emergencies, numerous internet problems, and other general crap… I am finally getting set back up behind the double HD monitors. There still some minor touchup work to do in the remodel, but everything is pretty much is being put in it’s final place (until I get…
Okay, Status Report
I haven’t really updated this in a long time, partly because of lack of content but mostly due to problems at home. If you follow the Infinite Unreality Forums you would know that in June I shattered my kneecap and was out of commission for months. While I’m back on my feet and getting around…